Black youth in Toronto facing multiple barriers experience adverse outcomes from an inability to access adequate, local, affordable and culturally affirming services.
We launched the Black Youth Resilience Project in response to the multi-faceted and complex challenges Black youth face when seeking and accessing the right supports in Toronto.
The project’s objective was to identify the impacts of systemic barriers and look at how we can drive change on issues that remain unaddressed in the city. Through this project, we published the Immediate And Urgent: Experiences Of Black Youth Navigating Supports in Toronto - a report identifying the trends and key issues that emerged from the systemic barriers Black youth face in the city.
We need to prioritize the unmet needs of Black youth.
The testimonials shared in the Immediate And Urgent: Experiences Of Black Youth Navigating Supports in Toronto amplify real experiences of Black youth, families, community members and organizations. By bringing their perspectives to the forefront, we strive to better inform you about the emergent and long-standing needs of Black youth, including opportunities to provide progressive supports and responses at a community and organizational level.
Invest in local, affordable and culturally affirming services today; see us grow tomorrow.
The failure to respond to anti-Black racism in the city disproportionately affect Black youth — particularly those impacted by the sex trade, housing instability and homelessness, or encounters with the criminal justice system, including experiencing barriers to access essential services resulting in adverse outcomes.
Immediate & Urgent: Experiences of Black Youth Navigating Supports in Toronto compiles the stories we heard throughout the Black Youth Resilience Project (BYRP). The report sheds light on the experiences of Black youth impacted by involvement in the sex trade, housing instability and homelessness, or encounters with the criminal justice system and organizations that are mandated to deliver supports.